Wynken, Blynken and Nod turned 3 weeks yesterday and they have changed SO much! No longer little white rats with no spots. No more eyes closed, navigating by trial and error around the puppy pen. They now have spots, eyes are open and they are toddling around the puppy pen like little pros.
We took pictures of them today since yesterday was busy with human appointments and errands. Disclaimer, they are by no means show stackers yet so top lines are not indicative of what they actually are or will be in the weeks to come. At this point our goal was to show how the spotting is coming along and of course show off the cute faces!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, here they are!
Wynken is our bigger girl. She was the first to be delivered and was very mellow and is just now discovering who she is. She is not fond of having her nails done or of venturing outside the puppy pen. Our goal with this girl is to have her "participate" in those activities more often.
Blynken is our smaller but more adventurous girl. One of my friends has nick named her Margarita as she is a bit feisty and has an opinion about everything! Blynken, when not eating or sleeping, can be found telling her brother and sister that she is in charge and struts around the play pen making sure they are doing whatever she wants them to do.
Nod is the only boy and he likes it that way too! He was the only one in his horn of his mother's uterus so he had over two months of having a room all to himself. He is about as big as Wynken in size and weight but is willing, most of the time, to let little sister Blynken push him around. Nod is very mellow and is pretty amenable to whatever we want to do with him.
Well there they are, the three CH Jack x Star puppies. Im sure there will be many changes by our next post. See you next week!
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