Monday, December 24, 2012

Chrismas eve and seeing spots!

Well it is Christmas Eve. I hope you all have your Holiday shopping done, I do (I think). The puppies are enjoying themselves as much as two week old puppies do. They are starting to get their eyes open and spotting is showing through nicely. Now is when things really get exciting!

All but one puppy has full eye and nose trim, which is very nice at this stage of the game. They are wobbling around like little spotted Weebles and some are beginning to get vocal. Demanding the milk bar be open 24/7 so they can partake at their leisure!

Here are some pics I took today, hope you enjoy them!

Here are Frieda, Sally, Shermy and Lucy at the milk bar.

How could anyone resist this little face?! This is Violet, taking a break.

Here are all 10 from above. You can really see the spotting coming through here!

One last look at the spotting showing through.

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